Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Could awesome "Waterboard" be used in apps, such as iPhone?

Yestercday I saw this cool video called "waterboard" randomly on a blog. It has been there for a while though. It's really cool. In fact, it's awesome! At first I felt this was some sort of magic, but after a while, I figured this might not be that hard. I'm guessing it's basically some(a lot of) sensors and a not so sophisticated program. Then I started to think, maybe this could be applied to some sort of iPhone apps because of its highly interactive nature. Games for sure, like another NDS port, But can we think of something else? something you'd like to do with N(N >1) fingers on a screen?

------------------- Some random thoughts -------------------
This water borad makes me wonder that, if I become super rich one day, how I'm gonna decorate my house. Yes I'm gonna have one of this water board as a wall in the living room, and I'm gonna have this programmable ceiling

in my bedroom(not walls, because I'll have a big garden outside my wall glass windows). And I'll have one of those big white board wall in my studying room, which you can sketch on it. O_o....LOL

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